The general idea of this section is to provide an area for club members to discuss any relative issues. In the first instance it will be by sending comments to me (webman@sleaford later on it will turn in to a fully functioning BLOG. with threads etc;


Curerntly there is just this one topic (thread) so it takes this page but as the threads evolve they will be listed and linked.


Use it or not as you see fit, if it remains unused there will not be a lot of point in developing it!

Spin Classes


There has been a suggestion that we use Silk Willoughby village hall for spinning./turbo sessions this year, although others would prefer to use Harpers as in previous years.  To help decide which to book, woudl all interested please let me or Russell know your preferences by Sunday 26th September.  Each option has various advantages and disadvantages:

Would need a minimum of 8 to commit to a series of evenings (usually Thursdays, 8.00pm); cost for a series of evenings to be paid in advance.  We've not established a price this year yet, but last year it was £5 for a 1 hour session.

There are usually a good number of spinning bikes available; can bring own turbo and bike if you prefer (usually reduced cost); due to Paul's sad death earlier this year we don't know who will take the sessions, or even whether it is going to be the same leader each week.

Silk Willoughby
Much cheaper (£6 to hire for one hour); the suggestion is that we have a 2-hour session and could have hot drinks etc; no limit on numbers (either minimum or maximum), and members could just turn up on as many (or as few) evenings as they wished.   We would have to sort out some kind of price structure, but that shouldn't be difficult.

Obviously there are no spinning bikes at the village hall, so you would need to bring your own turbo and bike - some may not have a turbo and would therefore have to buy one (I think there are reasonable ones priced around £70-90 - this could still work out cheaper than Harpers over the whole of the autumn/winter).  We would also need volunteer(s) to bring along suitable music and lead each session - could be on a rota basis, but obviously without a 'caller' you may as well just use your own garage space!

Do let us know which you prefer so we can make arrangements for the autumn sessions to start.  For those who've not been spinning before, it's a really enjoyable evening (if a bit painful on occasions!) and does keep up the fitness during those times when the weather's not too great outdoors.
