Signing on is at the Solo Club on Monday evening, 2nd December, starting at 7.30.
Are you considering taking up cycling? It is one of the best ways of keeping fit and certainly gets you out and about!
Why not come along to one of our Novice runs (a little more info here (click), They start at the same time as the main club run, 9:00am market place. It is a much steadier shorter ride. Check on events page for details of where the run is likely to go.
Or why not join in the Sleaford Wheelers Strava Challenge (click), open to all riders in the Sleaford area whether an abolute beginner or a seasoned racing cyclist (current standings)
Or try one of our Time Trial events and give it a go! Signing on at The Horseshoes Silk Willoughby
All of our regular evening time trial events (see events pages) are designated "Come and Try" you can have up to 2 drop in rides and if you enjoy it and want to continue you will then need to join the club.
Coming up soon will be the Barkston Heath coaching sessions for Junior racing training. Weds evenings. Plus the Barkston Heath race series which got under way on the 1st April, see events page.
Why not drop us an email (contacts page), to let us know what you may be interested in.
CTC Membership/Insurance
We are now affiliated to the CTC and can offer Wheelers members Individual Membership of the CTC for just £16:00! One of the main advantages of this membership is good third party insurance, which in today’s claim culture environment is something of a must have. As far as I understand it, it covers you for individual, social, club and Time Trial rides. Do you need it (click here)
To access this membership you would need to sign up Here (click) and put our “Affiliate Club Code” in the appropriate box. To get this code email secretary@ sleafordwheelers.co.uk and it will be forwarded on to you. |